Find the subject in the handbook here Semester 2 - Dual Delivery
Subject Description
The majority of chronic diseases share a common risk factor: the family history for that disease. Epidemiologists can use families to assess the role of the interrelated genetic and environmental risk factors. This subject provides an introduction to epidemiological methods that are used to determine the role of inherited factors on disease risk. Concepts, methodologies, and interpretation of familial risk factors for chronic diseases are the major topics in this subject. Topics covered include: how disease runs in families, how to identify genetic risk factors and how they can be used to estimate risk of disease, design of family studies, how to identify people at genetic risk and how to use genetics to reduce the burden of disease.
I enjoyed the module content. The classes were not very engaging and could have been skipped. The assignments were straightforward. It's a subject that's not too hard to do well in. It's probably not as useful as other epi subjects but it will reinforce your Stata skills and ability to critique studies.
Not very engaging - I think teaching could be better. Expects you to know stata codes for very niche things without teaching them …